Haiti (Les Cayes)
February 2009
“HWI was asked [by Dr. David Fisher, who’s wife Jean just returned from taking a trike to Angola Africa in December 2008] to send a trike with a missionary team going to Les Cayes, Haiti. In doing so, we were also able to do some more field testing. When the Haiti team returned, I was humbled to read the account of the trike recipient.” *
- Haiti Trike
- Haiti Trike
- Boxed Trike in Haiti
- Trike in Haiti Airport
- Trike in Haiti
- Trip Destination
- Trike in Haiti
- Trike Assembly
- Trike Assembly
- Trike Assembly
- Dr. Fisher
The team went from Naperville Presbyterian Church for an 8-day mission trip. The team worked in conjunction with El Shaddai ministry, part of the Presbyterian Church of America, in Haiti.
“Prior to receiving the trike, Maxene [a twenty-six-year-old] had believed his paralysis was the result of a voodoo spell. When he saw the trike, his face lit up. The team told him it was a gift from God, and one of the members of the team followed up with this prayer: ‘God’s power is greater than any other power. Even over the roughest road, he can smooth it out.’
- Maxene, Trike Recipient
- Maxene, Trike Recipient
- Maxene & Dr. Fisher
- Chuck & Maxene
- Distributing the Trike
- Maxene trying trike
- Haiti Trike
- Maxene on Trike
- Maxene on Trike
Maxene did not have any trouble negotiating the rocky, rut-filled, impossible-looking terrain on crutches, and he didn’t have any trouble with the trike either. As he rode away, practically in tears, with a smile beaming across his face, the team could tell he was experiencing a new kind of freedom. ‘For the rest of my life, I can never repay you for what you have done,’ he stated.
- Maxene
- Maxene
- Rocky Terrain
- Rocky Terrain
- Maxene’s Off
- Rough Terrain
- Maxene’s Off
- Hill Climbing
- Rough Terrain
- Rough Terrain
- What a Thrill
- Trike Freedom
- Trike Freedom
- Going Home
- Going Home
- Heads are Turning
- Trike Travelling
- Maxene on Trike
- Rough Terrain without Trouble
For the first time ever, he was able to get down to the river, where the locals bathe, by himself. The team’s prayer is that through a relationship with the pastor, Maxene will begin traveling the path toward true freedom and hope in Jesus Christ. One of the team members said that delivering the trike ‘was a blessing and highlight of my trip. Maxene has now witnessed the power of a loving God to help dispel the darkness of Voodoo worship that paralyzed his spiritual life.’
Maxene wrote, ‘I praise the Lord for you. God has used you to help me and to bring such a souvenir in my life. I had nobody, but God put me in your heart. What a gift! I will never stop thanking you and I will never stop glorifying the name of the Lord for this awesome gift. Now I need to go to church to praise Him. I know God will finish what he has already started. With Jesus nothing shall be impossible.’
I realized only God could have orchestrated such an ideal partnership.” *
*Excerpt from, Teisan, Alice Riding on Faith: Keeping Your Balance When the Wheels Fall OFF, (2012), 151-152.