Trike Overview and Resources
Here you will find our trike history, FAQ’s, detailed manuals, instructional videos, and ways you can get involved..

Trike Blueprints
After researching and developing 22 trike prototypes and having over 100 trikes in use on five continents, here we offer our trike plans available as free downloads.

University Trike Consortium
Learn how we are partnering with schools, leveraging multidisciplinary student projects, as we continue ongoing trike research and development.

Trike Community and Design
Hosted by His Wheels International (HWI) but seeking the input of all those in the global trike community. You will find a list of current and relevant hand-pedaled trike related topics. You can also learn about upcoming trike related opportunities.

His Wheels International was founded in 2005 as a Christian 501 C-3 not-for-profit organization. Our mission is to promote the design, fabrication, and manufacturing of hand-pedaled trikes for people with disabilities in developing countries.