Beginning His Wheels International’s 9th year

Exciting things are happening with His Wheels this week. By Saturday we will have moved out of our office space and into a storage unit. This will allow us to spend more of our energies on building our trike consortium. (more…)

The Wheels are turning

The wheels are turning in many ways and in many places. Below is an update on some of the exciting things happening around trikes at three different universities and in Niger, West Africa.

Last week Alice had lunch with faculty at Spring Arbor University (SAU)who are part of the University Consortium. We prayed and dreamed together about some of the entrepreneurial and innovative ideas we discussed with faculty from SAU and India. Continue to pray with us as it takes time to implement good ideas.


Trikes Fabricated in Ethiopia 2011

HWI sent 15 trike kits to Soddo Christian Hospital in Ethiopia, which arrived New Year’s day of 2011. These trikes were fabricated later that year in the Fall, and changed lives.

This video was produced by Ife Alade, a Roosevelt University Journalism student who did an Internship with HWI in 2013.

Assembled trike in Angola, Africa 2008

HWI partnered with Slipstream International Ministries. In the village of Kalukembe, Angola where the aftermath of 27 years of civil war remains visible, with bombed buildings, abandoned tanks, crippled victims, and extreme poverty, not too far is Antonia, with a bright smile, and a strong spirit who left her wheelchair behind and embarked on her new path with an HWI trike.

This video was produced by Ife Alade, a Roosevelt University Journalism student who did an Internship with HWI in 2013.