Trikes Fabricated in Ethiopia 2011

HWI sent 15 trike kits to Soddo Christian Hospital in Ethiopia, which arrived New Year’s day of 2011. These trikes were fabricated later that year in the Fall, and changed lives.

This video was produced by Ife Alade, a Roosevelt University Journalism student who did an Internship with HWI in 2013.

Follow Up from Taylor University Visit

Here is one very exciting thing that came from His Wheels International’s trip to Taylor University in December. John, a 13 year old friend of HWI, an engineering guru, who lives in Upland and who attended the December meeting was able to audit a January Engineering course at Taylor. Here is a HWI video that John did for us.

A Look Back at 2013

Here is a copy of the most recent His Wheels International update. You can read of all the opportunities we had in 2013. January 2014 Letter

Happy New Year 2014

It is hard to believe that in May 2014 His Wheels will enter its 10th year of ministry.

The New Year has just begun but already today many exciting new opportunities are beginning to percolate.

1. After our last newsletter one of our readers suggested a possible engineering program nearby that we should look into to see if they were interested in our University Trike Consortium. One thing we’ve never done much of is cold calling. (more…)

Thanksgiving Tool Delivery

Tonight Alice was at Wheaton E. Free’s Thanksgiving Eve. Service. One of our ministry friends mentioned that her family was going to Spring Arbor, MI for Thanksgiving, leaving early in the AM. We at HWI are thankful that these friends will deliver  two sets of bike tools to Spring Arbor University (SAU). From there they will go to a ministry in Hyderabad, India that is partnering with SAU and HWI on a few project. The bicycle service arm of HWI has ended but the international bicycle impact of HWI continues and sending tools is one of those ways.