His Wheels Next Chapter Begins Today

Today His Wheels enters the next chapter of our journey. We have four young men helping us move out of our office. HWI will move into a 10×25 foot Storage Unit. We have already begun to set it up as a showroom. All we need will fit nicely into our new climate controlled space. We have no regrets as we move. Our 4 years at our building has allowed us to do so many things. In the process we at HWI have found that our trike and university trike consortium is our unique nitch and strength.

Our main contact will remain unchanged:

His Wheels International

P.O. Box 423

Wheaton, IL 60187



Beginning His Wheels International’s 9th year

Exciting things are happening with His Wheels this week. By Saturday we will have moved out of our office space and into a storage unit. This will allow us to spend more of our energies on building our trike consortium. (more…)

The Wheels are turning

The wheels are turning in many ways and in many places. Below is an update on some of the exciting things happening around trikes at three different universities and in Niger, West Africa.

Last week Alice had lunch with faculty at Spring Arbor University (SAU)who are part of the University Consortium. We prayed and dreamed together about some of the entrepreneurial and innovative ideas we discussed with faculty from SAU and India. Continue to pray with us as it takes time to implement good ideas.


Today at HWI

Today Alice and Kevin Skyped with two junior engineering students and their professor at Taylor University between 8AM-9AM. The students will be doing a semester long project.

From 11:15A-12:45P Alice will be the ministry practioner in Dr. Sveen’s History and Philosophy of Christian Education sharing about how Alice has put these concepts into practice as founder of HWI.

Then 12:45P-1:00P CST a pre-recorded broadcast that Alice did with WBEZ, Public Radio, 90.5 FM yesterday will air with Jerome McDonnell on their Worldview segment.

Also today and tomorrow Alice is offering her memoir free as a Kindle download. 


Speaking Opportunities This Week

Alice began the week with 3 His Wheels Speaking engagements scheduled for the year. But by tomorrow afternoon it will be 4 for the week. Yesterday HWI had a Skype meeting with 6 Jr. Engineering students at Taylor University. Today Alice did a pre-recorded broadcast with WBEZ. Public Radio Chicago that will air tomorrow during the 12:30P-1:00P hour. Tomorrow AM Kevin and Alice will Skype again with the Engineering students about project ideas they have come up with for the trike. Tomorrow Alice also is the ministry practitioner speaking for a History and Philosophy of Christian Education class at Wheaton College.